Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Are you a tigger or an eeyore?

   This is the true question of life. Are you a tigger? Are you a happy go lucky, glass is half full type of person who sees the bright side of things? Or are you an eeyore? A sluggish, sad, glass is half empty type who doesn't really know what to do with themself. Sometimes you don't fully get a choice, you want to get out of bed, dress nice and smile at strangers; but depression and anxiety makes that hard for some people. Depression is the hardest mindset you can ever overcome. You could be a tigger, who gets out of bed at the crack of dawn and puts on a suit in the morning and holds the door for a whole line of people at Starbucks. When you decide for yourself that you want to change, you want to be happy when you have depression or anxiety. You might need help, like seeing a therapist. It's hard to do it on your own, but I think with help (if needed) you can truely change your mindset. Maybe you even need medication, but ultimately; you have to want change to accept it and move forward. Sometimes the only true motivatiors are yourselves. 

1 comment:

  1. I like the Tigger/Eeyore analogy from The Last Lecture. It's amusing that all of those characters have characteristics that illuminate some dysfunction. I like that you mention it's tough to change your mindset on your own -- sometimes help is necessary. Just like seeing a doctor for a medical issue, mental issues do not just go away on their own.
